All Saints Church

I'm New Here

When You Visit

Visiting a new church can be intimidating

What should I wear? Where do I park?

We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or talk with an ambassador who will be there to greet you when you visit.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I worship with you?

Our Mass Schedule can be found here:

Mass Schedule

When is Confession?

Our Confession schedule can be found here:

Mass Schedule

How do I get to All Saints ?

Our parish is located at 621 Dock Street, Millville, NJ 08332

Where should I park?

There is parking behind the church, entering from Dock Street or across from the church on the corner of Buck and Depot streets and use the side door to enter.

What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the Mass than what you're wearing. We want to give God our very best. Please dress modestly all year round. The church is air conditioned so there is no need to wear shorts in the summer and please have your shoulders covered.

Where do my children go?

We welcome children of all ages, they will learn how to behave in Mass by being present with you in the pews. We suggest books and stuff toys in a special Mass bag that you keep to make Mass special for your children. 

The bathroom is located at the rear of the church.

I’m not Catholic, how do I know when to sit, stand and kneel?

There’s no need to be self-conscious about the postures and responses used during worship. Most visitors just follow the lead of our parishioners. However, we do have worship aids located in each pew that provide you with the order of the Mass, the postures, and the words to each prayer. If you don't see a worship aid in your pew, ask an ambassador, and they will be happy to bring you one. Please refrain from eating or drinking in church.

I’m not Catholic, is it okay for me to participate in Communion?

Communion, or The Eucharist, is the most intimate expression of our faith. Catholics believe that the host is literally the Body of Christ, transformed from bread by the priest presiding over the service. Most evangelicals think of communion as symbolic, so it makes sense that they are not as strict about having the right relationship to it as Catholics and Orthodox Christians who believe it is a sacrament and the true presence of Christ. So, if you are not Catholic, we ask that you refrain from receiving Communion out of respect. Those not receiving the Body of Christ please remain in your pew in prayer.

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All Saints

New to the area or just visiting?

We would love to welcome you to our church. Join us for a Mass, learn more about our parish and register with our church at the link below.

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